
Free Calculator

The Profitable Happy Hour PROMO CALCULATOR

Use this free calculator to evaluate or design a Profitable Happy Hour promo, define your discounts, and understand how this will impact your Sales and Profits




Here's some data showing how profitable Happy Hours can be:

  • U.S. bars and restaurants generate 60.5% of their average weekly sales from Happy Hour—just 15 hours of the total business week.
  • Bars experience an average of 26% increase in revenue during happy hour.
  • The average happy hour check in the U.S. is $68.99 (after discounts), which is $8 above the average check in regular hours.
  • Wednesday happy hour traffic is an average of 23.9 percent higher than other weekdays.

This calculator will help you evaluate your current Happy Hour and Design a fresh Happy hour Promo!

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Create and compare different scenarios for Happy Hours and see how each will impact your Sales and Profits:




1. Add your food and beverage costs, monthly revenue, and hours of operation.
2. Get a breakdown of your current Sales and Marginal Profits.
3. Create 3 Happy Hour scenarios: Add discount offers for food and beverages, potential sales increments, days and hours of the promotion, and additional workers needed.
4. Get a breakdown of your sales and marginal profits during Happy Hours.
5. Define how the Happy Hour would impact your sales after the promotion is over.
6. See the impacts on your Average Sales and Marginal Profits on an hourly, daily, and monthly basis and determine the right promotions for you.

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Design a Profit-Making Happy Hour Promo with this Calculator


Define your food and beverage discounts, impacts on your sales and marginal profits, hours, and more!

Get your free copy of the Calculator now!