
A better way to grow your restaurant

Pickup, Dine-in and Delivery on demand marketplace to reach new neighbors and increase your sales and profits.

30-50% less expensive delivery

5% Pickup & Dine-in commission.
15% commission on $40+ delivery orders, 19% below $40.
Keep all the upside!
Choose whatever fulfilment you want, or use your own drivers so you can accept orders from new customers at a lower commission rate.

Retarget your new customers and turn them into regulars

You know and have access to your new customers. We give you tools to retarget them and turn them into a loyal fan base.

Marketing that works, without the marketing fees

You can run flexible promotions (limited in time, in quantity, free delivery fee, etc) to attract customers, or cash on your excess food.
And you can do it for free! Yes... without those hefty marketing fees!

Receive and Manage orders your way

Options that fit into your workflow.

Get your orders through phone, text, printer, e-mail, tablet, Merchant Portal, or into your POS.

How does Lovvett Marketplace work?

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Receive new orders

By tablet, POS, phone, text, e-mail or web.
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Prepare the food

Accept the order, send it to kitchen and inform when it’s ready.

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Meet you new customers

They will show up for take out, dine in or delivery.

Your restaurant will be listed on Lovvett Marketplace, instantly connecting you with thousands of customers looking to order from local restaurants.

You will also get access to:

  • An insight dashboard where you can keep track of your restaurant’s performance and get custom growth recommendations based on competitive data.
  • Account management advice from real experts.
  • Easy and free-to-use smart promotions and loyalty tools that can draw in new customers and turn them into loyal fans.
  • Ratings and reviews that allow you to engage with existing customers and directly respond to their needs.
  • Free online ordering site to turn your new customers into regulars, commission-free, and packed with powerful marketing and loyalty tools.

When you join Lovvett you get access to easy and free-to-use marketing and loyalty tools that will help you acquire new customers and turn them into loyal fans, maximizing your visibility and exposure to new and existing customers on the Lovvett app.

Our marketplace, or Lovvett app, has fair and restaurant friendly fees. There is no set up cost, and no monthly or listing fee. Takeout and dine-in fee is 5%. Delivery fee is 15% for $40+ orders and 19% below $40, helping you keep all the upside. We don’t charge any marketing fee to run promotions. 

Lovvett shares with you all your new customers information, so that you can turn them into regular. Furthermore, we give you a completely free online ordering platform where you  can get orders commission-free, packed with the same marketing and loyalty tools our marketplace has.